Project Overview
Project Action Items:
- Prepare and submit design documents to WSDOT for Phase 2 construction.
- Prepare and submit design documents to King County for Phase 2 construction.
- Address pending expected review comments from WSDOT and King County for Phase 2 construction.
- Secure Access Connection Permits for existing driveways of abutting parcel owners, within Phase 2 project limits, for WSDOT approval.
- Coordinate with Puget Sound Energy for power sources for pedestrian scale lighting at east trail head for improved roadway lighting at 4 existing intersections (Phases 1 and 2).
- Coordinate with King County Parks Department for the use of the $500k grant for Phase 1 construction and the $500k grant for Phase 2a construction from its Parks Capital & Open Space program.
- Publicly advertise the project for contractor bids for Phase 1 and Phase 2a construction.
- Review bids, select/approve contractor, and provide notice to proceed.
- Execute an agreement for construction management oversight by a consultant.
- Conduct project construction groundbreaking ceremony in accordance with requirements of the King County Parks grants. The community is invited!
- Construct trail project in summer 2025.
- Develop a plan to close the funding gap to allow construction of Phase 2b to 324th.
- Execute a Trail Lease Agreement with WSDOT for the project within SR 202 right-of-way prior to completion of construction.
- Execute a Trail Lease Agreement with King County for the project within its roadway right-of-way prior to completion of construction.
Project Milestones:
- 2024-11-27: FCMPD submits revised design documents to King County for its review and approval based upon review comments received between 10/16/24 and 11/26/24 on the 10/09/24 submittal.
- 2024-11-16: FCMPD executes an amendment to the Phase 1 construction grant agreement with King County Parks that extends the completion date to be concurrent with the completion date of the Phase 2a construction agreement.
- 2024-11-12: FCMPD executes a performance agreement with King County Permitting Division of Department of Local Services for site restoration and landscaping as part of construction of the project.
- 2024-10-24: WSDOT provides notice to FCMPD that Phase 1 design is complete and approved.
- 2024-10-09: FCMPD submits revised design documents to King County for its review and approval based upon review comments received 9/20/24 on the 8/28/24 submittal.
- 2024-09-23: FCMPD executes a tree mitigation agreement with WSDOT based upon information provided to WSDOT on 5/06/24. This agreement allows removal of trees within the limits of Phase 1 by paying a fee in lieu of replanting elsewhere. Mitigation for removal of trees in Phase 2 is planned to be accomplished with tree planting in the unused and available existing WSDOT right-of-way that is opposite the Chief Kanim Middle School driveway.
- 2024-08-28: FCMPD submits revised design documents to King County for its review and approval based upon review comments received 5/08/24 based upon the 1/05/24 submittal.
- 2024-07-03: FCMPD submits revised design documents to WSDOT for its review and approval based upon review comments received 5/28/24 on the 4/26/24 submittal.
- 2024-04-26: FCMPD submits revised design documents to WSDOT for its review and approval based upon review comments received 4/18/24 on the 1/22/24 submittal.
- 2024-04-12: FCMPD provides a project update to the Fall City Water District (FCWD) at its regular Board meeting.
- 2024-03-15: FCMPD completes WSDOT-required geotechnical borings to determine infiltration rates and groundwater information related to the drainage design for the project.
- 2024-03-07: FCMPD executes an agreement with King County Parks for the $500k Parks Capital & Open Space grant awarded on 9/08/2023 for Phase 2a construction.
- 2024-02-28: FCMPD receives information from WA DNR that funding for tree mitigation for Phase 2 construction of the West Side Trail project was not selected for a $50k grant award from its Community Forestry Assistance Program.
- 2024-01-22: FCMPD submits design documents for Phase 1 construction to WSDOT for its review and approval.
- 2024-01-08: FCMPD prepares and submits to Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) a $50k grant application to its Community Forestry Assistance Program for tree mitigation associated with Phase 2 construction.
- 2024-01-05: FCMPD submits ROW permit application and SEPA checklist to King County for work within its right-of-way for its review and approval.
- 2024-01-02: FCMPD Commissioner Harris makes a presentation about the status of the trail project and other initiatives led by the Park District at the regular monthly meeting of the Fall City Community Association (FCCA).
- 2023-10-10: FCMPD meets with representatives of the Snoqualmie Valley School District (SVSD) to inform them of the project and that the area currently used for elementary school vehicle queuing would not be available once construction begins. SVSD notes that an alternative circulation route for the before and after school pickup periods will be put into action in advance of trail construction.
- 2023-09-08: FCMPD receives notice from King County Parks of award by County Council for the $0.5 million grant funds for Phase 2 construction.
- 2023-09-05: FCMPD amends its contract with design consultant Otak Inc. to develop separate construction bid document packages for Phase 1 and Phase 2 and to address new drainage design requirements by WSDOT.
- 2023-06-30: FCMPD receives notice from King County Parks of recommendation by the grant selection advisory group to have County Council award the $0.5 million grant funds for Phase 2 construction.
- 2023-04-20: FCMPD receives review comments from WSDOT on submittal made on 2023-03-21.
- 2023-03-21: FCMPD submits to WSDOT the updated 90% design plans and documents for Phase 1 construction prepared by Otak Inc. for review.
- 2023-04-12: FCMPD and King County Parks execute agreement securing $500,000 grant funds for construction of Phase 1 of the West Side Trail project with construction planned for 2024.
- 2023-03-16: FCMPD submits a grant application to King County Parks seeking $1,000,000 grant funds for construction of Phase 2 of the West Side Trail project.
- 2023-01-20: FCMPD receives information from WSDOT that construction of Phase 2 of the West Side Trail project was not selected for a grant award from its Pedestrian/Bicycle Program.
- 2022-10-13: WSDOT publishes its SR 202 Corridor Study, 244th Avenue NE to Fall City/Snoqualmie River and includes the West Side Trail in its list of recommendations to improve pedestrian and bicycle modes of transportation in the corridor near Fall City.
- 2022-07-08: FCMPD receives WSDOT review comments on the 90% design submittal
- 2022-05-27: FCMPD prepares and submits to WSDOT a $1.8 million grant application to its Pedestrian/Bicycle Program for Phase 2 construction
- 2022-05-31: FCMPD submits to WSDOT the 90% design plans and documents prepared by Otak Inc. for review
- 2022-05-04: FCMPD receives notice from King County Parks of award by County Council for the $0.5 million grant funds for Phase 1 construction
- 2022-03-31: FCMPD amends its contract with design consultant Otak Inc. to provide additional design services associated with trail amenities/site furnishings and stormwater flow control design
- 2022-02-25: FCMPD receives notice from King County Parks of recommendation by the grant selection advisory group to have County Council award the $0.5 million grant funds for Phase 1 construction
- 2021-10-13: FCMPD prepares and submits to King County Parks a $0.5 million grant application to its Parks Capital & Open Space Program for Phase 1 construction
- 2021-09-08: FCMPD amends its contract with design consultant Otak Inc. to advance the preliminary design to final design
- 2020-10-20: FCMPD receives WSDOT review comments on the 60% design submittal
- 2020-07-28: FCMPD formally submits to WSDOT the 60% design plans and documents prepared by Otak Inc. for review
- 2020-07-20: FCMPD submits a JZ Account Application to have WSDOT review project design documents
- 2020-07-13: FCMPD prepares and submits to WSDOT a grant application for $2.0 million for final design and construction funds (grant request not awarded in spring 2021)
- 2020-06-15: FCMPD amends its contract with design consultant Otak Inc. to provide grant application assistance and to update the 60% design documents per FCMPD review comments in advance of a formal submittal to WSDOT for its review
- 2020-01-06: FCMPD receives notification from WSDOT that it has met its obligations associated with the $180,000 grant funds award for preliminary design
- 2019-12-27: FCMPD adds the 60% design plans and documents to its project webpage and provides WSDOT the link to confirm this milestone completion as a requirement of receipt of the preliminary design funds grant
- 2018-09-13: FCMPD meets with King County Department of Permitting and Environmental Review (DPER) to discuss project permit requirements
- 2018-05-12: FCMPD prepares and submits to WSDOT a $165,000 grant application to its Pedestrian/Bicycle Program for final design funds (grant request not awarded in spring 2019)
- 2017-09-20: FCMPD prepares and submits to PSRC a $120,000 grant application to its Transportation Alternatives Program for final design funds (grant request not awarded in fall 2017)
- 2017-07-07: FCMPD receives 30% design plans and documents from Otak Inc.
- 2017-05-12: FCMPD Commissioner Harris makes a brief presentation about the status of the West Side Trail (WST) preliminary design project to those in attendance at the Fall City Community Association (FCCA) meeting at the Fall City Fire Station meeting room. Many graphics of the WST that were shared at the public open house in March were put on display for the FCCA.
- 2017-03-23: FCMPD hosts a project open house at Chief Kanim Middle School to share preliminary design exhibits prepared by Otak Inc.
- 2016-09-01: FCMPD executes a Local Programs State Funding Agreement with WSDOT for $180,000 in grant funds for preliminary design
- 2016-04-12: FCMPD executes a contract for preliminary design with consultant, Otak Inc. Funds to compensate the consultant will be derived from grant money provided by WSDOT and partial matching funds from the District.
- 2015-10-07: FCMPD issues an advertisement for a request for proposals from interested design consultants
- 2015-01-12: FCMPD learns that the project is added to WSDOT's 2015-2017 Prioritized Project List that is to be submitted to the State Legislature and the Governor for approval in the spring
- 2014-09-25: FCMPD meets with WSDOT representatives on site to review the project proposal in regards to the grant funds application
- 2014-05-12: FCMPD prepares and submits to WSDOT a $180,000 grant funds application to its Pedestrian/Bicycle Program for preliminary design for the project
- 2013-01-15: FCMPD meets with WSDOT representatives to discuss the merits of and path forward for the project
Community Input
Community Open House was held on Thursday March 23, 2017. To read the announcement, please
Click Here.
History of the West Side Trail project
Click here for a copy of the grant application.
The WSDOT Highways & Local Programs Community Design Assistance Manager requested that Commissioner Harris join a panel discussion at both the Washington APA Planning Law Conference (5-15-13) and Revitalize Washington Conference (5-16-13) to share his "local agency experience" of coordinating with WSDOT to develop a trail project. His presentation about the concept of a "SR 202 or West Side Trail Project" was assembled from information that had been previously discussed with Board members and shared with the community at public meetings.
Click here for the slides of the presentation that was made at each conference.

West Side Trail Design Plans (90% Submittal)

Technical Memorandums